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5 Important Things to Know About Speeding Tickets in New York

speeding car

While fewer drivers are on the road since before the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of drivers found speeding has actually increased. Speeding can result in serious consequences, which is why law enforcement works to ticket those who do not go the speed limit. Still, it’s important to note that not everyone who is ticketed is guilty. Sometimes people are wrongly ticketed for speeding. But in order to fully ensure that you always follow the law, it’s important that you understand these 5 important things about speeding tickets in New York.

1. There are two devices that police use to measure vehicle speed.

New York state police leverage two different devices to measure the speed of vehicles:

LTI Ultralyte LR B devices – This is a pinpoint laser device that uses a three-foot-wide beam of light, that can go up to 1,000 feet, to measure speed by bouncing back from a moving object.

Stalker Directional Sensor Radar (DSR) units – These units use cutting-edge technology to determine the speed of a vehicle whether the unit is moving or remains stationary. 

2. Police don’t need to actually see you speeding live to issue you a ticket. 

There are now many different ways, such as aerial speed technology and speed cameras, in which technology can be utilized to determine the speed of a moving vehicle. For example, these speed cameras are capable of activating a camera to take a picture of any vehicles that are moving faster than a pre-determined speed. In addition to speed, these cameras can also record the time and location at which the speeding occurred. With methods such as these, the officers can issue the speeding violations after being alerted by the devices.

3. Speeding tickets include both high fines and surcharges.

If you are ticketed for speeding, not only will you receive a fine but you will also have to pay a surcharge. The exact cost is dependent upon how far above the speed limit you were traveling. 

  • Those driving <10 mph above the speed limit can be fined up to $150.
  • Those driving 11 – 30 mph above the speed limit can be fined up to $300.
  • Those driving 31 or more mph above the speed limit can be fined up to $600.

When a driver speeds in a school zone during regular school hours, these fines can be doubled. 

In addition to these fines, the court will issue a surcharge of $80-85.

4. You can be ticketed for going below the speed limit.

New York also has a traffic law violation called “speed not reasonable and prudent.” This means that although the speed driven did not exceed the speed limit, it is considered unsafe. This can result in a fine of up to $150 and a surcharge of $80-85. You can also receive a ticket for driving too slowly when you are moving at a speed below what would be considered reasonable. 

5. You can defend yourself against a speeding ticket. 

Even if a law enforcement officer who utilized a high-tech device to measure your vehicle has ticketed you for speeding, you can still contest the ticket. In such a situation you may want to argue that:

  • The device was in need of maintenance (it’s been too long)
  • The device picked up on a vehicle near yours that was moving faster than you
  • You have records from your EZ-Pass that you were not at the same place at the same time of the alleged speeding
  • Your citation was improperly filled out
  • You have a perfect driving record

AutoTrafficTickets.com Helps Those in New York Who Wish to Challenge a Speeding Ticket

The consequences of receiving a speeding ticket can impact a lot of things in a negative manner, but speaking with a traffic ticket attorney can provide you with invaluable information.  If you have been issued a speeding ticket and wish to challenge it, AutoTrafficTickets.com can help. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, contact us today!

Posted in: Speeding Tickets